Capture the Untapped Potential in Your Business.

Simplify helps businesses rapidly grow their revenue and profitability by optimizing operational decision-making.

Simplify. Standardize. Personalize. Accelerate.

Improve your decision-making.

Simplify’s first-of-a-kind Recommendation Engine simplifies decisions and standardizes actions through data science and AI.

We analyze your workflows and operational processes through data science to simplify decisions, standardize actions, and then personalize and accelerate those decisions through AI.

“The implementation of the system had a massive impact on the performance and growth of the company. I’ve never seen anything as complete and impactful to the performance of a business.”

~ Client CEO 

Turn on our AI engine.

We improve operational decision-making to help you grow revenue and profitability.

By aligning AI recommendations to specific actions and our proven Value Realization Processes, we improve the process of process improvement.

Value Lever Map

Capture the relationships between all of the company’s key metrics and processes.

Simplified Scorecard

Identify each operating unit, where their strengths are, and where they need to improve.

Algorithm-Based Action Plans

Create automated optimized action plans that meet targets and goals for each business unit.

Proof of Concept Deployments

Pilot deployments demonstrate realized value to ensure growth and profitability from the process.

Maintain your Growing Edge with Continuous Improvement

Leverage ongoing machine learning to personalize your processes and accelerate the way you do business.

Digital Twin

We develop a Digital Twin to simulate your business processes and optimize results.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning refines the recommendations for continuous improvement in your operations.

Collaboration Platform

Our collaboration platform facilitates institutional learning and integrates best practices from your high performers.

Unleash your untapped potential.

Our processes identify the best practices that already exist in your business and implement them more consistently across the enterprise.

We expect this process will result in 15%+ annual growth and productivity improvements — guaranteed.

We delivered over 20% first-year growth in profitability for one of our clients and $18.5M in realized value.


Start your process of continuous improvement.

Email John Klaers